Read This Page If You Are Looking to Attract Abundance and Positivity Into Your Life...

Discover the Fastest Way to Erase Money Blocks and Attract Love, Health, and Wealth In 30 Days... Guaranteed!

I'm Robert C. Brown, and I'm about to share the proven method of manifesting your deepest desires.

It's time to break free from your self-imposed limitations and step into a life of purpose, fulfillment, and abundance. With the right tools and guidance, you can reprogram your subconscious mind in as little as 30 days.

What I Found After Years of Study and Thousands of Dollars Spent Empowered Me to Unlock My Potential and Grow a 6 and 7-Figure Business in 12 Months!

As adults, many of us are stuck in a rut, overwhelmed by our day-to-day lives. We feel like we're running out of time to reach our goals and dreams, and each passing moment feels like an uphill battle.

We can sense the ticking clock, but instead of taking action we often succumb to our negative thoughts and self-doubt.

We fail to recognize the power within us, and as a result, we spend our lives lost in a fog of regret and disappointment.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

This Is What Works

I'm Robert - the CEO of Empowered Life Tv.

You see, not long ago I was struggling to make progress on my goals.

I was constantly making excuses and NEVER taking action, so it only seemed natural that I felt stuck in a rut.

Frustrated, I decided to dive into the depths of self-improvement literature searching for answers.

I read books like "The Power of Positive Thinking", and "The Secret" which made me feel better about myself but didn't help me reach any tangible results.

That was until I stumbled upon something different...

Subconscious Reprogramming

I soon discovered that subconscious reprogramming wasn't just about positive thinking - it was about eliminating inner blocks and bas internal habits that were holding me back from achieving success in all areas of my life.

Through this process, I became aware of unhelpful stories I'd been telling myself since childhood...

And how those stories limited my potential for growth.

As I continue to work through the layers of negative reprogramming, ideas started flowing more freely into my awareness than ever before.

It was if some kind of mental block had been removed from my mind's eye!

It was an incredible experience filled with moments full of pure insight and clarity.

One's that that could easily be translated into actionable steps toward reaching my desired outcomes in life...

Both personal and professional ones.

This is how I came up with the system I now teach all of my clients and students...

At, we understand that making a lasting change can be difficult, especially when you don't know where to start...

That's why we have developed a unique program to help you dismantle your self-imposed limitations and gain clarity on the life you want to create.

Introducing... The 21-Step Abundance System

Our program is designed to help you:

  • Discover powerful techniques for unlocking your inner potential
  • Overcome self-doubt and negative thinking once and for all
  • Create lasting change in just 30 days
  • Eliminate internal blocks and bad habits
  • Deepen your connection with the Universe and get the answers you need now!

The team at Empowered Life tv are experts in unlocking inner potential and empowering individuals to manifest their dream life. With more than a decade of experience between us, we have helped thousands of people reach their goals and create lasting change in their lives.

Our program is backed by science, with proven results that are unsurpassed in the industry. We're confident that if you follow our program for just 30 days, you will begin to see tangle results and experience a newfound sense of clarity and purpose.

Just like these folks did...

"I've been trying to reprogram my subconscious mind for years, but I always hit a wall. The 21-Step Abundance System helped me identify the root cause of my internal blocks and gave me the tools I needed to overcome them. Thanks to this course, I'm finally able to reprogram my mind and achieve my goals." - John T.

"I was skeptical at first, but The 21-Step Abundance System exceeded all of my expectations. The course is easy to follow and provides actionable strategies for overcoming internal blocks and bad habits. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to achieve success and abundance." - Sarah K.

So, Let Me Tell You More About What You'll Get With The 21-Step Abundance System

Embark on a life-changing transformation with The 21-Step Abundance System!

Our comprehensive subconscious reprogramming course includes 21 engaging videos across 4 distinct modules... each designed to empower you with the essential tools and techniques for reprogramming your subconscious mind.

With every module, you'll gain access to video training and practical exercises to deepen your connection to the Universe, eliminate internal blocks and bad habits, and enhance your ability to reprogram your mind.

Module 1 - Identifying Internal Blocks

Begin your transformation with confidence and clarity. Learn how to identify the long-set negative programming that is keeping you stuck so that you can start successfully reprogramming your mind and manifesting your deepest desires with consistent success.

Many of us have preset beliefs and negative programming that we learned as kids and it’s these things that are the reason why you are not living the life you want to live.

This module will show you an easy way to establish these internal blocks so you can clear your subconscious mind fast!

Module 2 - Eliminating Internal Blocks

Unlock your internal freedom and transform your life inside out. In this module, you’ll discover several techniques for activating your inner power … so you clear any blockages and negativity from your energy field, while giving your new habits that will attract success to you.

Module 3 - Deepening Your Connection to the Universal

Develop a deeper understanding of the universe, your energetic layers, and how you can align yourself to it’s power.

Module 4 - Improving Your Relationships

Unlock the secrets to mastering your emotional life.. so you can be in control of your world around you. Regardless of what’s going on around you, if you can improve your relationships with loved ones, money and health, while removing any negativity associated with them, so will be able to effortlessly attract money, health or someone into your life.

In The 21-Step Abundance System, You'll Also Discover...

  • The easiest way to release negative thought patterns and emotional beliefs that are keeping you stuck ... so you're empowered to let go of the old and allow your subconscious mind to bring blessing into your life - effortlessly!
  • Learn how to access higher states of consciousness for deep self-realization ... so you can transcend limiting beliefs and live a life of purpose, understanding, and compassion.
  • Supercharge your emotional intelligence ... so you experience a deeper sense of oneness with the Universe while growing your ability to accept yourself and others and become compassionate.
  • The key to increasing your vibrational frequency ... so you can tap into the deeper power of the Universe and become truly limitless, and powerful.
  • Learn how you can give more power to your meditation sessions, using a handful of secret tricks that subconsciously align yourself to your higher self.
  • How to easily tap into the life-changing power of self-acceptance ... so you can obtain true inner peace, self-confidence, and happiness.

Plus, not only will you get all of the videos for the course, but you'll also get powerful meditations and worksheets ... allowing you to download and read/listen on your own time if you want to study them in greater depth.

Who Is The 21-Step Abundance System For?

The 21-Step Abundance System is for anyone who wants to finally reprogram their subconscious mind, elevate their consciousness, unlock their true potential, and live a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

Specifically, The 21-Step Abundance System is perfect for:

  • Spiritual seekers who want to deepen their spiritual abilities and accelerate their progress on the subconscious journey.
  • Individuals who want to learn how to create a higher state of consciousness and eliminate limiting beliefs.
  • Anyone who wants to increase their emotional intelligence, compassion, and empathy for themselves and others.
  • People who want to improve their mindset and transform negative thought patterns into positive ones.
  • Those who want to shift their vibration to a high state and experience more happiness, abundance, and alignment with their true self, true desires and purpose in life.

Whether you're a curious beginner or a seasoned seeker, our course will be your trusted guide to unlocking the power of your subconscious mind and experiencing a life-changing transformation.

Are you ready to awaken to the power of your subconscious? To feel a renewed sense of personal power and abundance? Then, join us on this wondrous adventure of subconscious mastery!

Perhaps you're hesitant, but trust me, this is the answer you've been eagerly seeking.

So, take a leap of faith with us and let The 21-Step Abundance System lead you toward your most excellent self!

I'm Not Sure If I Have Enough Time for The 21-Step Abundance System

It's completely understandable if you're feeling pressed for time and uncertain about committing.

Nowadays, life moves at an incredibly fast pace, and we often find ourselves juggling multiple things.

But, let me tell you something, dropping the ball on your spirituality is not an option. It's the one ball you want to keep soaring high, as it will nourish the other balls in the game of life.,

So, let's find a way to keep it up, together!

The benefits of subconscious reprogramming are worth making time for!

You truly owe it to yourself to make time for subconscious reprogramming. Subconscious awakening has the power to transform all areas of your life for the better, by helping you:

  • Improve Self-Esteem and Confidence: Eliminate negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs that hold you back in life. By affirming positive thoughts and beliefs, you can improve your self-esteem and confidence.
  • Increase Productivity and Motivation: Overcome procrastination and increase motivation, leading to improved productivity and a more accomplished life.
  • Create Better Relationships: Improve our communication skills, learn to set healthy boundaries, and build better relationships.
  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Overcome fear, and anxiety, reduce stress,, and improve your overall mental well-being.
  • Achieve Goals: Break through barriers and achieve your goals more easily. You can unlock your full potential and take life to the next level.

And then, when these things start falling into place, that's when the real magic happens ...

So, let me ask you, are you ready to start viewing time and subconscious content as something you don't have time NOT to do?

Not to mention, you can take the course at your own pace, making progress whenever it suits your schedule.

Oh, and before I forget - let me address something you might be wondering about...

I'm Not Sure I Need This Course ...

Can't I Reprogram My Subconscious on My Own?

You may be contemplating that subconscious reprogramming is a deeply personal and individual journey ...

And that's somewhat true ...

However, having guidance and support along the way can be incredibly valuable.

I've had the privilege of learning from many spiritual masters and teachers ...

And they have provided me with a roadmap, techniques, and insights to assist me on my path.

The 21-Step Abundance System has been created to support you on your journey.

You'll be empowered to form a closer relationship with your subconscious mind, allowing you to take the wheel of your spiritual journey and experience the transformation you desire ...

And I have some fantastic news ...

Today, you can get The 21-Step Abundance System at an incredible special discount.

But before I reveal the price of the course, I want to share about the level of commitment, dedication, and resources poured into the creation of it ...

Crafting this course was a journey of subconscious exploration.

It took me months of meticulous planning, and meditating on the material to ensure that each piece of content would accelerate your subconscious growth.

But it didn't end there ...

Next, I poured my heart into recording and producing the videos.

I even brought in a team to create the meditations so that you can double the effects of your learning ...

And of course, I have to keep the videos online for you to access them anytime, anywhere which requires costly hosting fees.

Through every step, I've lovingly considered your needs and desires, aiming to deliver an experience that touches your very soul.

That's why similar course can cost well over $1,000!

My true calling is to empower as many people as possible on their subconscious journeys ... That's why I'm offering this incredible course at a price that's affordable for everyone.

The course alone is valued at a minimum of $1,000 ...

But here's the best part ...

You can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity for a fraction of its cost!

For a LIMITED TIME, We're Offering a Special Discount on The 21-Step Abundance System

Instead of the regular price of $497, you can get access to the course for just $197!

Imagine for a moment that you could revolutionize your life from the inside out, experiencing an everlasting sense of joy and serenity ...

All for less than what you'd typically spend on a daily cup of coffee ... Yes, it's true!

The 21-Step Abundance System course offers an invaluable opportunity to elevate your spiritual journey and connect deeply with the universe, ultimately raising your vibrational frequency.

By mastering these skills, you'll become a manifestation magnet, effortlessly attracting synchronicity and abundance into your life.

As someone who has dedicated years to studying with numerous masters and teachers, I assure you that ...

This course is a priceless investment in your personal growth and spiritual development.

And ...

If you sense a profound yearning for a spiritual awakening that can transform your life, then taking this next step is the most powerful move you can make ...

I implore you to NOT delay enrolling in this course any longer.

If you've reached this point in the page, the excitement you're experiencing is not a coincidence ...

It's your intuition guiding you toward taking this essential step.

Enthusiasm is often the subtle nudge from the universe, illuminating the next step on our spiritual journey.

Regrettably, we often fail to heed its call!

Consider, for example ...

Have you ever been excited about something ... but talked yourself out of it?

It's a common occurrence...

Our negative beliefs and programming will present various reasons to hinder our spiritual growth ... This results in unnecessary delays in our path to joy and enlightenment.

I don't wish this for you, and nor does the universe.

Therefore, it's crucial to take action now to transform your life, and enjoy the feeling of diving happiness, balance, and unwavering focus.

I understand that if you exit this page without enrolling, your negative programming may attempt to dissuade you from returning later to enroll in the course.

However, by taking decisive action today, you'll overcome these inner hurdles and accelerate your spiritual progress.

The Universe is begging you to commit to your spiritual growth!

As you embark on the next phase of your spiritual journey, an abundance of incredible experiences awaits you.

By taking proactive action now, you can unlock your full spiritual potential and traverse the path that you would have always intended for you.

Enrolling in the course today provides a gateway to limitless opportunities and possibilities, with everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Moreover, our satisfaction guarantee ensures that you can enroll with confidence and peace of mind.

The 21-Step Abundance System Comes With a 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee!

To make your decision a no-brainer today, I'm offering a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, just let us know and we'll refund your money - no questions asked.

So, you have absolutely nothing to lose today by enrolling in The 21-Step Abundance System.

We know that reprogramming your subconscious mind can be a daunting task - but with The 21-Step Abundance System, you'll have the guidance and support you need to overcome your internal blocks and achieve your goals.

Invest in the course today and you'll immediately gain access to all of the subconscious teachings, practices, meditations, exercises, and other bonuses.

I'm confident that once you take the course and see for yourself how it helps you reprogram your subconscious mind and advance your spiritual journey, you'll think it's worth every penny.

So if you're ready to overcome your internal blocks and finally reprogram your subconscious mind for success, click the button below to get started with The 21-Step Abundance System today!

Now is the Time!

If you're ready to unlock your true spiritual potential and reprogram your subconscious mind, enrolling in this course is the ideal way to achieve that.

However, taking action is crucial. To commerce, click on the payment button below, input your information, and gain instant access to The 21-Step Abundance System.

Allow me to elaborate further ...

You have two choices:

1. Your first option is to disregard this page.

You may desire to attain your full spiritual potential, but perhaps your negative programming has convinced you that you're not prepared, the timing isn't right, or you're too preoccupied.

You can continue your current routine, despite sensing an inner yearning to experience profound spiritual growth, and acknowledge that this course is a means to accomplish that.

2. Your second option is to enroll in this course and discover the unparalleled sensation of reaching your full potential.

Obtain valuable guidance throughout your spiritual journey and unleash your true potential. Learn ancient subconscious techniques that open you up to new spiritual possibilities while enhancing your manifestation powers, inner peace, and happiness.

Take no risks, as our satisfaction guarantee assures you of a full refund if you don't receive the desired results.

There, don't hesitate, click on the blue payment button below and input your details to begin NOW.

Get The 21-Step Abundance System For a Special Discount (Total Value $1,000)

Instead of the regular price of $497, you can get access to the course for just $197!

As soon as you complete the checkout process, you'll gain immediate online access to The 21-Step Abundance System and all of the meditations and exercises.

Experience the transformative power of this material for yourself and only then decide if the course is worth it to you.

And if you do decide it's not the right fit, simply let my team know and you'll receive a full refund - no questions asked. It's a risk-free investment in your spiritual growth, with everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Once you experience the profound impact this course can have on your life, I would love to hear from you ...

Drop me an email and share your transformational journey with me.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to reach your true spiritual potential.

It's an honor to be your guide on this beautiful and personal path of awakening.

Remember, every step you take brings you closer to the life you truly desire. Don't wait another day to start living your fullest potential.

Begin your journey with The 21-Step Abundance System course today and unlock the power within you.

To your beautiful spiritual journey,

- Robert

P.S. The path to subconscious mastery is beautiful and unique to each individual. I'm honored to be part of your transformational journey.